Sunday, August 11, 2019


When you kill a beast say to him in your heart :
"By the same power that slays you ,I too am slain, and too shall be consumed .For the Law that delivered you into my hand shall deliver me into a mightier hand .Your Blood  and my blood is naught but the sap that feeds the tree in heaven" --Kahlil Gibran

There are millions of people who take animal protein for their health , and their food habits ..rather preferences of taste ..So its not a sin if you do it for food habbit .. .So I will not judge a person for their personal choice of habits .Personally I have never consumed red meat . NOW let's come to the point ! What is halal ..Halal means permissible , A meat will be called as Halal meat it its Slaughtered in a specific ritual called Dhabihah.What is the difference between Dhabihah and regular slaughter .?.I hope everyone , here reading this has some knowledge in basic biology . In regular Slaughter the butcher kills a beast at once and in Dhabihah they cut (jugular  vein )the throat of the beast slightly with a sharp knife, and they wait till it becomes bloodless and dies by exsanguination, ..some people enjoys that with extreme pleasure till it succumb to death .Wowww what a sacrifice they have done in the name of almighty!!! ANYWAYS , any animal can feel pain for its nervous system .So if u are compelled to kill an animal , it should lose its all sense as soon as possible.. In US and UK animals are gone through electronarcosis (an electric pulse is sent through to make them senseless) before going through slaughtering process .80 percent of the sold meat are pre-stunned. but If it's not stunned , during zibah just try to feel the the what the animal is going through for that one hour of being in insurmountable  suffering..Does god really want this ..A lion also preys , as it is compelled too , but does it kill like that ? Janvar bhi achche hai yaar!! Good news is according to an Egyptian fatwaa Animal can be stunned before Dhabihah and still be considered as halal ,, but in most of the cases, and according to Islamic Shariya its not recommended to do such practices like stunning , as it can cause injuries to the animal before slaughtering(Cruelty at its best !!!!!) Anyways FYI I am not a delegate of certain religion . Neither I have hatred for any religion ..The religion I have been introduced to and I have been labeled with has its own downsides as well .Since the time immemorial 'Bali' (sacrifice animal for god's sake)  has been in practice ..Its a sin too , And I condemn it with my all existence and its barbaric too ..But not as atrocious as Bali within a fraction of second an animal is beheaded that too by a single strike of an axe .As soon as brain is disconnected , central nervous system loses its connection with the body ..And it dies at that moment ..they don't enjoy with the every drop of blood , they don't wait to see it being brutally incapacitated.
My dear friends , on this Bakhri Id ..May your compassion overcomes disastrous folly .May your tears for voiceless innocent animals overpowers your vicious sadistic pleasure ..May your sense of Halal and Haram change for this time ..Happy Bakhri id all ..And say no to Dhabihahh
PS I am a secular person ..And I love my country .My Country allows all religion to perform their holy religious practices ..But before being a secular person I am a human being .The thoughts I have poured here are from the core of my consciences ..So please don't misunderstand me ..If I have any wrong assumption do enlighten me , but if you are wrong try to think ..♥️